The Lingo Coach Blog

Wh questions in Simple Present pre intermediate questions


En esta ocasión veremos las preguntas WH en inglés. Al finalizar este video podrás identificar y hacer  preguntas.

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¿Cómo decir la hora en Inglés? Expressing Time expressing time pre intermediate


Today's lesson will be about expressing time. Today's goal is that by the end of this video, you're going to be able to express time in English correctly. 

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Relative Clauses grammar intermediate relative clauses

Hello there!

The goal for today's lesson is that by the end of this video, you're gonna be able to identify and use relative classes correctly. Specifically three of them. The ones we're gonna be practicing today are which, or that who, and were. These words are called relative plazas, and we use...

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Tag Questions advanced grammar

Hi everybody!

Today's lesson will be Tag Questions. The goal for today is that by the end of this video you are going to be able to identify the different types of tag questions that exist in English. #tagquestions #avanzado #questions 

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There is / There are pre intermediate there are there is

Hello everyone!

Today's lesson will be about expressing existence in English. The goal for today is that by the end of this video, you're going to be able to talk about existence of objects in English correctly. #intermedio #thereis #thereare #existence #PreIntermedio

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Wh Questions in Simple Present basic questions simple present


En esta ocasión veremos las preguntas WH en inglés. Al finalizar este video podrás identificar y hacer eso de estas preguntas.

Haz 3 preguntas y ponlas en los comentarios.

Today we're gonna talk about w h questions. Today's goal is that by the end of this video, you are...

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Idiomatic Expressions advanced colloquial language idiomatic expressions vocabulary

Hi everyone!

#idiomaticexpressions #colloquiallanguage #avanzado

Today's lesson will be about idiomatic expressions in English. Today's goal is that at the end of this video, you're going to be able to use new idiomatic expressions.

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La mejor forma de aprender los verbos irregulares en inglés irregular verbs


¿Sabes cuál es la mejor forma de aprenderte los verbos irregulares en Inglés? Lo ideal es empezar con una lista que sea realmente útil. Aquí puedes bajar nuestra lista de los 96 verbos irregulares más usados. Después necesitas una estrategia...

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¿Cómo expresar ideas en pasado en inglés? advanced grammar intermediate pre intermediate simple past

Hi there!

Today's lesson is that by the end of this video, you're going to be able to talk about your past habits, your childhood activities, using the proper words in English.

Don´t forget to write your sentences and reply to other members´ sentences in the comments section below.


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Otras formas de saludar en Inglés basic greetings


#Basic #Greetings


El día de hoy aprenderemos cómo saludar en Inglés, de responder a un saludo en Inglés de manera natural y fluida.



Happy Learning!

Lingo Coach

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