The Lingo Coach Blog
Hello there!
The goal for today's lesson is that by the end of this video, you're gonna be able to identify and use relative classes correctly. Specifically three of them. The ones we're gonna be practicing today are which, or that who, and were. These words are called relative plazas, and we use...
Hi everybody!
Today's lesson will be Tag Questions. The goal for today is that by the end of this video you are going to be able to identify the different types of tag questions that exist in English. #tagquestions #avanzado #questions
Hi there!
Today's lesson is that by the end of this video, you're going to be able to talk about your past habits, your childhood activities, using the proper words in English.
Don´t forget to write your sentences and reply to other members´ sentences in the comments section below.
Today's goal is that by the end of this video, you're going to be able to express quantity and questions about quantity using the expressions, how much and how many correctly.
Don´t forget to write your sentences and reply to other members´ sentences in the comments section...
Cuando una oración en Inglés utiliza más de 2 adjetivos es necesario conocer el orden en que debes ponerlos. El día de hoy te explicaremos cómo hacerlo.
Happy Learning!
Lingo Coach